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Friday 20 September 2013

The process of microorganism’s substances for acne removal

When the mouth of the excretory duct of the sebaceous gland is clogged
begins to accumulate in the lumen of the secret. This creates
favorable conditions for the growth of bacteria. Formed in the process
of microorganisms substances are used to signal the presence of the
organism infection. Acne No More Review

If they cross the barrier of protective cells, inflammatory reaction begins to become visually noticeable elevated above the level of a healthy skin site, redness. When the surface localization and opening to the outside there is a rapid healing. The more localized element in the dermis and stronger inflammation, the greater the risk of complications in the form of long-term persistence of spots, scars and cysts.

Classification - There are different classifications of acne: by age
factors, clinical manifestations, location, depth and extent of
damage, etc. We pay attention to the importance of choice in the
context of the methods of approach to the division of the elements of
non-inflammatory and inflammatory. Acne No More

The former include blackheads (comedones) - Comedones are plug of skin
flakes, lipids and pigments in skin pore. Milia ("Corn Bunting") -
white small sebaceous cyst the size of 0.5-2.0 mm. If the elements
were formed, get rid of them is possible only by mechanical removal.
To this end, cosmetologists use a probe with the opening of Unna and
spear Vidal. Pre pores expand by steaming, ultrasonic cleaning, etc.
The latter include the forms of acne, accompanied by a local
inflammatory reaction.

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