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Thursday 26 September 2013

Acne No More Mike Walden Review -Causes of Allergies

The allergy symptoms and irritation are partly overlapping. In both cases typical of dry,itchy, swollen skin. However, while allergies can appear in different areas of the body, the irritation is usually limited to a specific area. Difference is that the allergy symptoms appear after contact with the allergen, but requires regular skin irritation.

Causes of Allergies

Acne No More - The allergy is an abnormal reaction of the immune system is one of those things that people normally do not cause other symptoms.

Rashes - Illustration Allergic contact dermatitis is called an allergic reaction that occurs after having skin contact with the allergen content. Typical triggers an allergic reaction to certain substances such as herbs, cosmetics and metals. For example, a nickel, a number of jewelry can be found, often cause allergic reactions.

If you are allergic to something, and we come into contact with it, the immune system overreacts and releases antibodies, which are called immunoglobulin E's. These antibodies to the cells results in the release of histamines argument. Mike Walden

Cause of the allergy is not known, but risk factors if the family history of allergic disease.

The causes of irritation

The strong chemicals in shampoos, hair dyes, household cleaning products and paints may cause skin irritations. However, in contrast to allergens irritation causes the immune response and produce antibodies.

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